The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the Lord tests the heart.

—Proverbs 17:3

When the heat is on, the impurities are drawn out.

Heat is a refiner.

It makes what is precious become pure. It “tests” the elements.

The Lord tests our heart.

When the heat of life is on, the impurities rise to the top. We can then deal with what has been deep within and not seen by the natural eye.

The thing about heat is it’s uncomfortable.

Are you feeling it?

Friend, it’s getting hot.

How’s your heart?

Are you being refined? Is your faith steadfast?

One of our biggest temptations in times like these is to doubt God; His goodness, His sovereignty, His will.

I pray that our faith would not fail.

Jesus prayed this for Peter:

“But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”

Luke 22:32

And as our faith is steadfast, we need to strengthen our brothers and sisters around us. They need us. Now more than ever.

Friends, the heat is on.

It’s brutally uncomfortable.

We’re being refined.

Our faith will be stronger as a result.

I pray our faith will not fail.

It’s hot out there.