“And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”
“She Shall Be Called” (SSBC) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization centered on increasing Bible literacy for women all over the world. We are passionately committed to helping women understand and embody true womanhood through biblically defined standards. Although man and woman have been created equal as persons before God, it is important to understand that God made man and woman with distinct roles as part of His created and established order. Our goal is to use Scripture (God’s Word) as the blueprint for knowing God and understanding life in our unique calling as women. We encourage 1) exegetical study of scripture, 2) authentic and consistent prayer time, as well as 3) community fellowship with other women all as essential spiritual disciplines designed to better help us understand our roles as women and more importantly as means to consistently commune with Jesus!
As a Christian organization, at the core of what we believe is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that Christ (both fully divine and fully human) perfectly fulfilled the law and gave Himself up for the pardoning of our sins. Because man is innately sinful, it is only through Christ that salvation is secured and through His sacrifice (done once for all time) all who wholly believe in Him and His work, are reconciled to God, made righteous and justified by faith alone. Additionally, we believe that Christ's substitutionary death is the only means of salvation and that it is the responsibility of every person to repent and believe. We believe that Christ is now sitting at the right hand of the Father interceding on our behalf and we are confident in His return to consummate the salvation of His people and make all things new (creation, physically, spiritually, & relationally). Lastly, we wholeheartedly affirm God's command to "Go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:18-20) as well as the Christian's responsibility to extend the message of the Gospel as a call to salvation for every person who will hear and believe it.
We believe that there is one God who exists in three distinct persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, co-equal in essence and eternally co-existent.
We believe in the complete inerrancy, infallibility, and divine authority of the Holy Scriptures (comprised of 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament). We believe that the Scriptures have been given by inspiration of God and are profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness so that Christians might be made complete and equipped for every good work.
We are committed to upholding an orthodox doctrinal position on all matters and through this statement we humbly submit our beliefs as an appropriate and correct summary of the Bible's teaching. We do recognize that we are not infalliable; thus, we do not pridefully tout our knowledge or the expression of our beliefs. Should you have any questions and/or concerns regarding this statement, please email us at info@sheshallbecalled.com.
Portia Collins is a Christian Bible teacher, writer/blogger, and podcast host. She loves God's Word and enjoys studying and teaching Scripture. Portia's commitment to discipling and training women is more than another project on her "to do" list. Her desire is to see women from all walks of life grow in godliness, grace, and in the knowledge of God. In 2016, Portia founded "She Shall Be Called" (SSBC) with the goal of helping women understand and embrace true biblical womanhood through solid study of God's Word.
Portia and her husband, Mikhail, have a daughter and currently live in the Mississippi Delta.
You can read more of Portia’s writings at www.portiacollins.com.
(Please submit speaking/teaching requests HERE.)
Samandra lives in Mississippi with her family where she works serving individuals with disabilities. She enjoys sharing life with other Christian women and hosts a weekly small group in her home.
She loves to read and learn more about God through His Word. In her spare time, she works as a portrait and event photographer. Her television, when on, is always tuned to Turner Classic Movies. She also moonlights as an unpaid personal hairstylist for the women in her family.
Samandra strongly desires for every woman and girl she encounters to unapologetically serve Christ.
Carmen is the Operations Managers for SSBC and owner of The Biblical Creative. Carmen is a city girl at heart who spent most of her life chasing empty substitutes for Jesus. She tried to find her worth in things and people, only leaving her emptier. Spending much of her life entangled in sin, Carmen experienced much brokenness from teen pregnancy, domestic violence, and infidelity. Today, she is committed to leading other broken women to wholeness through the Gospel and equipping them with the tools to walk with God for a lifetime. Carmen lives in Dallas, Texas with her handsome husband and adorable twins who keep her on her toes daily.
Jennifer Lucy Tyler is a Bible teacher, storyteller, entrepreneur, and growth coach. With a passion for Bible Literacy, Jennifer founded a community called “SoulCircles” which equips women to study the Bible inductively not just for information but for transformation. Jennifer is also a certified Growth Coach, having received a coaching certification through the Lifeforming Leadership Institute.
Today she spends her time helping women grow holistically through online courses, live and virtual SoulCircles events, and teaching. Her consulting firm, Mission Consulting Hub, focuses on serving mission-based organizations, churches, and businesses. Jennifer enjoys serving her local church on the women’s ministry leadership team. She resides in Maryland and is happily married to her husband Jeffrey Tyler. You can find more information on Jennifer Lucy Tyler on the web and the following social media sites: www.jenniferlucytyler.com | Instagram: @jenniferlucytyler | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JenniferLucyTyler
Elizabeth is a Christian, woman, wife, and mom. After spending much of her time in college as an evangelist of atheism (by way of secular humanism), Jesus miraculously and abruptly saved her from herself to an everlasting hope - Himself.
Elizabeth, also a former educator, lives with her husband and two young daughters in Chicago, IL where she’s officially a pro at wifey-ing and mommy-ing (insert coy smile here). Elizabeth is an avid reader who loves to swap book recommendations and talk about all things related to the Christian faith.