Job 42:5 “My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.”

To say that Job had a difficult life would be more than an understatement.

But what of it? What did he learn from it all? What can we learn from our own difficulties?

In a verse, these hardships can drive us to the God we’ve heard about and cause the eyes of our hearts to see Him!

After a knock down drag ‘em out question and answer session, Job saw the sovereign one as just that, sovereign over all things and namely the details of his life.

God reigns on high over it all. Job learned it was not his place to question God’s ways, even when they are hard, very hard. And seem long and undeserved.

Maybe you can relate to Job. Are you going through something extremely difficult? Are you questioning God?

Allow me to be candid. This was an area of pride in my life until…I was faced with the most difficult pain in my lifetime. I had read Job and reasoned that I would never question God’s hand in the details of my circumstances. Until I did. Then I ran to Him for comfort and help and guidance and grace and strength and breath. You get the idea.

What happened next was the least expected thing of all. I “saw” God. The eyes of my heart understood who He was in a whole new unexplainable way. Even though I had heard of Him, and believed in Him, now I really saw Him. He met Every. Single. Need.

He really is our one sovereign God reigning over all things. He is worthy.

Job learned God’s rightful place and that of his own. And so did I. So can you, if you “see” Him. Really see Him.