“I feel empty.”
On our last evening of family vacation, these words were uttered by our nine-year-old son.
The thought of fun and family time coming to a close, leaves a sort of melancholy in the air.
We long to be filled.
We were divinely designed to be full inside.
Emptiness can prompt us to look for ways to fill up, some good, some…well…not so much.
The irony in really feeling filled is actually found in being empty. When I give, I receive.
God’s economy is exactly the opposite of what we would think of on our own. We would think we’d be filled if we gained a lot of wealth for ourselves. But, we are the most filled when we give what we have to those in need.
Possessions are not the only thing worth giving, it could be our time, talent, or treasures.
When I give any of these away, I am the blessed one.
When you give any of these away, you are the blessed one.
Give with no strings attached.
Give expecting nothing in return.
Give as unto the Lord.
Give out of the abundance that has been given to you by God.
Give without shouting it from the rooftops or having your name attached to the gift when at all possible.
“Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” Matthew 6:3
If you do this, empty yourself for the sake of others, you will be the blessed one.
So, if you are looking for ways to be filled, start by looking for ways to give.
When you empty yourself, you will be filled.