"You are the light of the world."

Matthew 5:14

"Look! I have something to show you! Come, see the light!" Precious words of excitement exclaimed by our four year old granddaughter when she discovered our Christmas candlelight flickering in the window long after season's end. She was amazed at the special luminary and could not contain her excitement as she pulled in a crowd of family to marvel along with her. Now, we had all seen the light before, but her childlike fascination was contagious.

I think part of shining our light before men is found in remembering the excitement of it's first reveal in our own lives. Our lives were in complete darkness prior to that hope of salvation bursting forth. Our lives became new, and a passion for sharing it could not be hidden.

How do we maintain that passion as the years of this world wear on us? One way is by maintaining a heart that remembers from whence it came with gratitude over new life in Christ, long after it's beginning. Such gratitude reignites passion and makes you a light in the darkness.

Let your gratitude over your salvation cause you to say, "Look! I have something to show you! Come, see the light!"

Dear one, you are the light of the world!