“He made Himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. (Phil 2:7)

We can feel like nothing sometimes. This can be due to circumstances or by means of comparison, either way that feeling is partially true. We are nothing, without Christ. He makes us what we are, whatever we are…praise Him!

If you struggle with a feeling of being nothing, consider how Jesus chose to make Himself nothing for us.

Can we even fathom His great love shown in this way?

I can squirm at the thought of feeling like nothing, women have shared with me similar thoughts they’ve wrestled with, yet God chose it. Amazing love!

If we humble ourselves in our situation, the God who chose to make Himself nothing will show us what He has for us in that place.

Humility is a tricky thing. If you’re feeling like you’ve got a good handle on it as a character trait, by definition you probably don’t.

We can either humble ourselves, or we can be humbled. The former is far more desirable as a means to an end.

Has God ever called you into deeper humility?

It’s really a good calling even though it feels…humbling.

1Peter 5:6

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand that He may lift you up in due time.”

He has a plan, it requires our humility. You have to choose it.

Choose wisely, friend. He will lift you up, in due time.