Psalm 37:7 “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him…”
We have a hard time being still. It’s not just toddlers who exhibit constant motion. Some have two speeds; run and sleep!
God calls us to stillness before Him, sometimes for a season.
It’s awfully hard to hear the “still small voice” of God through the noise of busyness. Stillness implies quiet.
“Did you hear that? Shh. Listen.”
Stillness seems a prerequisite to hearing the gentle whispers of guidance within our heart. It’s a pointed and focused listening.
We also have to wait patiently, and we seem to lack in that area as well.
Our feet frantically tap and our eyes check our watches. Like the Psalmist, “How long Lord?” is our mantra.
The difference maker is the trust we hold in our Great God;
His love for us
His perfect plan
His timing
His willingness to act on our behalf.
An otherwise agitated state is able to turn peacefully into rest.
Our waiting comes with hopeful expectation not just for a positive outcome, but in the One orchestrating the plan.
Breathe deeply today friends. As you exhale, let your heart rest in stillness as we trust and wait on God. It will be worth the wait!